Pet Dental Procedures
Good dental hygiene is crucial for your pet’s health, potentially adding years to their life.
Dental Care For Dogs & Cats
Loose teeth, bad breath, and a change in eating habits can all be signs of serious dental disease for your pet. Just like human dentists, our veterinarians recommend yearly dental cleanings and polishings for pets that start at an early age.
Professional dental cleaning and periodontal therapy often come too late to prevent extensive disease or to save teeth. As a result, periodontal disease is usually under-treated, possibly allowing it to cause problems in the oral cavity or even damage to internal organs. Untreated periodontal disease can also cause tooth abscesses, gum infections, and/or bone loss, all of which can be painful for your pet to experience and costly to manage.
Dental Packages
All dental packages include:
- Pre-anesthetic blood testing
- Sedation/anesthesia
- Cleaning/scaling to remove tartar
- Extractions at our doctor’s discretion
- Polishing
- Prescribed medications to go home
Dental with dental radiographs ($1,675)
Dental radiographs (X-rays) are the gold standard to evaluate your pet’s teeth and roots below the gum line. Dental X-rays are obtained before and after extractions to diagnose your pet, then to verify the successful extraction of each tooth.
Many dental issues cannot be fully evaluated without the use of dental X-rays. These include but are not limited to: bone loss, resorptive lesions, stomatitis, retained roots, tumors, or fractures.
This package requires full pre-payment a week prior to the appointment date.

Dental declining dental radiographs ($475)
A dental procedure without X-rays involves a visual exam of all teeth, with extractions based on our doctor’s team evaluation and discretion. Some extractions we cannot offer without X-rays; we do not guarantee we will extract any teeth without X-rays. Closed fractures, slab fractures, or chipped teeth with no pulp exposure may not require extraction and are addressed at our doctor’s discretion.
This package is among our most requested appointments, and a waiting list is not uncommon.
X-rays are recommended for every dental procedure. By choosing this package, you are declining this diagnostic service.
We do not offer dentals without radiographs for cats. We recommend X-rays for all pets.
Recommended for every patient to help with post-anesthetic nausea and recovery.
Cost is based on pet’s body weight:
- Pets 0-30 lbs: $40
- Pets above 30 lbs: $50 + $1 for each pound of body weight above 40 lbs
Example: Treatment for a 41-lb pet is $51 ($50 fee and $1 per pound over 40 lbs)
A longer-acting antibiotic injection that eliminates the need for antibiotic treatment at home.
Cost is based on pet’s body weight:
- Pets 0-10 lbs: $35.00
- Pets above 10 lbs: $35.00 + $3.50 for each pound of body weight above 10 lbs
Extractions: Dental package costs are the same whether your pet has zero extractions or several. Helping Hands will not extract healthy teeth. We do not guarantee any teeth will or will not be extracted or promise full mouth extractions for any reason. If provided to us prior to your pet’s appointment, medical records and/or dental extraction recommendations from your veterinarian will be reviewed, but our extraction plan is based on our doctor team’s evaluation and discretion. Helping Hands does not call to discuss the extraction plan or provide status updates throughout the day.
Staging: Helping Hands does not guarantee that all required dental work will be completed the same day. In some cases, patients need multiple visits. Should additional visits and staging be necessary, it would be an additional fee.
Referrals: Some dental conditions require care by a board certified dental specialist. In some cases, the work required may be out of the scope of what our doctors are able to take on and you may be referred to a board certified dental specialist (at your own cost).

Aftercare & Follow-Up Treatment:
Helping Hands is an outpatient facility only. We do not provide overnight hospitalization and will send your pet home with you the same day. We advise consulting with your veterinarian if overnight post-procedure monitoring at your expense should be arranged for your pet. While some pets successfully recover at home, others may need support from a primary or emergency veterinary hospital.
You will receive a call within 3-5 business days with the earliest available appointment dates for the package you have selected. Please ask any questions you may have in the meantime.
Referrals to specialists or additional dentals remain your financial responsibility. In certain cases (such as in pets with stomatitis, resorptive lesions, CUPS, or severe dental disease), the entire extraction plan cannot be safely completed in one visit, and multiple visits may be required. These visits will incur additional charges.
Veterinary Surgery & Dentistry Services
in Richmond, VA
Pet Amputation
Pet Dental Procedures
Pet C-Section
Pet Dewclaw
Pet Exploratory & Foreign Body Removal
Pet Eye Procedures
Pet Growth & Mass Removal
Pet Hernia Repair
Pet Knee Repair
Pet Organ Removal
Pet Spay & Neuter
Pet Stomach
Pet Urinary
Pet Wound & Laceration Repair
Dental Procedures
(includes extractions)
(includes extractions and Full Dental X-Rays)
Recommended for every patient to help with post-anesthetic nausea and recovery.
Cost is based on pet’s body weight:
- Pets 0-30 lbs: $40
- Pets above 30 lbs: $50 + $1 for each pound of body weight above 40 lbs
Example: Treatment for a 41-lb pet is $51 ($50 fee and $1 per pound over 40 lbs)
A longer-acting antibiotic injection that eliminates the need for antibiotic treatment at home.
Cost is based on pet’s body weight:
- Pets 0-10 lbs: $35.00
- Pets above 10 lbs: $35.00 + $3.50 for each pound of body weight above 10 lbs
Pet Surgery Additional Fees
(if deemed appropriate)